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Visite: 3892

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Emile Tompa, Amirabbas Mofidi, Swenneke van den Heuvel, Thijmen van Bree, Frithjof Michaelsen, Young Jung, Lukas Porsch, Martijn van Emmerik

The value of occupational safety and health and the societal costs of work-related injuries and diseases
European Risk Observatory
Literature Review

july 2019



Executive summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Approach
1.3.1 Country selection
1.3.2 Two different models
1.3.3 Organisation of the work
2 Bottom-up model
2.1 Methods: bottom-up model
2.1.1 Estimation of cases
2.1.2 Estimation of costs
2.1.3 Costs by stakeholders
2.1.4 General assumptions of the model
2.1.5 Data collection process
2.1.6 Sensitivity analysis
2.2 Results: bottom-up model
2.2.1 Cases by country
2.2.2 Costs by country
2.2.3 Costs by stakeholder
2.2.4 Sensitivity analyses
3 Top-down model
3.1 Methods: top-down model
3.1.1 Attributable fractions
3.1.2 Monetisation approaches
3.1.3 Final model
3.1.4 Sensitivity analysis
3.1.5 Cost drivers by country
3.2 Results: top-down model
3.2.1 Central scenario
3.2.2 Alternative data source for DALYs
3.2.3 Alternative attributable fractions
3.2.4 Main diseases by country
4 Conclusions and discussion
4.1 Comparison of the results of both models
4.2 Strengths and limitations of both models
4.3 Datasources - availability and quality
4.4 Comparison with the literature
4.5 Country comparison
4.6 Final discussion
5 References
6 Appendix 1 - Country characteristics used for the country selection
7 Appendix 2 - Data overview
8 Appendix 3 - Attributable fractions
9 Appendix 4 - Injury severity distribution
10 Appendix 5 - Non-fatal injury and disease cases intangible cost



© European Agency for Safety and Health atWork, 2019
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
