Categoria: Documentazione istituzionale
Visite: 2064

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Alice Davis, Joanne O. Crawford and Evanthia Giagloglou, Michael Whitmore


Analysis of case studies on working with chronic musculoskeletal disorders


Table of Contents
List of figures and tables
Executive summary
1 Introduction
2 Case methodology
3 Case results
4 Overview of the cases
5 Analysis
5.1 Breakdown of the cases
5.2 Good practice findings from the cases
6 Discussion
6.1 Limitations and strengths of the study
6.2 Facilitators of success in returning to work or staying at work
6.3 Challenges encountered in returning to work or staying at work
6.4 Factors that contribute to success
6.5 Any particular interesting or innovative features
6.6 Transferability
7 Advice for micro and small enterprises based on the case studies
8 Overall conclusions
9 The cases
9.1 Case 1 — Shop worker with chondromalacia assisted by simple accommodations and supportive colleagues
9.2 Case 2 — Accommodations and task changes to enable an ICT worker to manage knee osteoarthritis
9.3 Case 3 — Accommodations and self-managing osteoporosis for a university lecturer
9.4 Case 4 — Early intervention and accommodations for upper limb problems — research and data entry work
9.5 Case 5 — Return to reception work after bone fractures due to osteopenia
9.6 Case 6 — Task changes for a podiatrist with neck problems
9.7 Case 7 — Workplace stretching and other accommodations to enable return to work after a back problem — public administration
9.8 Case 8 — Job role changes and equipment accommodations for a police officer with multiple chronic MSDs
10 References
Appendix 1 — Email invitation to participate
Appendix 2 — Participant information sheet
Appendix 3 — Confidential pre-interview questionnaire
Appendix 4 — Consent form for questionnaire
Appendix 5 — Interview pro forma for workers with chronic MSDs
Appendix 6 — Consent form for interview
List of figures and tables
Figure 1 The BPS model
Table 1: Cases with reference number
Table 2: Comparative description of the Cases
Table 3: Work organisation policy
Table 4: Useful tools and equipment used by the workers
Table 5: Summary of case outcomes




© European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2020

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.