Categoria: Approfondimenti
Visite: 1495

International Labour Organization

Decent work deficits among rural workers
Key findings and recommendations for trade unions



Executive summary

About this initiative
Core findings

Decent work deficits

The COVID-19 pandemic and rural work
Government responses
Trade union responses


Additional research and policy analysis
Strategic engagements with national governments
Support for unions and other workers’ organizations that are active in rural economies
Support for smallholder farmers

Chapter 1: Introduction and methodology
Methodology and limitations
Chapter 2: Decent work deficits in rural economies
Employment opportunities
Adequate earnings and productive work
Decent working time
Balancing work, family and personal life
Work that should be abolished

Child labour
Forced labour and debt bondage

Stability and security of work
Equal opportunities and treatment in employment
Safe work environment
Social protection
Social dialogue: Employer and worker representation.

Sectors with low union activity
Sectors with high union activity

Chapter 3: Covid-19 and rural workers: Decent work deficits and government and trade union responses
Overall impact on rural economies
COVID-19: Impact pathways and decent work deficits

Depression of global markets
Ripple effects of governments’ public health interventions
Summary of decent work deficits due to the COVID-19 crisis

Government responses to the impacts of COVID-19 on rural work
Trade union responses to the impacts of COVID-19 on rural work
Chapter 4: Recommendations

Understanding and addressing the root causes of decent work deficits
Understanding what decent work means for smallholders and other non-waged workers
Understanding the needs of rural workers through unions and beyond
Understanding non-agricultural employment in rural economies
Understanding the challenges and needs of rural workers facing discrimination and unequal opportunities
Understanding the needs of precariously employed workers

Additional research and policy analysis
Government engagement
Support for unions and other workers’ organizations active in rural economies
Support for smallholder farmers


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